Carpet Care

Basic Carpet Care

The following carpet care program will only be effective if started on a new carpet, or on a carpet which has been restored by a good professional clean.
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Professional Carpet Care

Newly installed carpets are well noticed and complimented by family and friends, thus leaving you, with a good feeling of accomplishment. Unfortunately, everybody does not understand, that choosing the right floor covering from the multiple choices available in the market is not an easy task. Taking in consideration Pcise,  texture, colour and a multitude of other options. Then weeks later the hype of a beautiful and luxurious looking carpet is replaced, with new challenges choices and attention. This lingers on for days, until reality dawns.

Then comes that dreadful day of reality, your Carpets is not going to stay clean forever and calls for some kind of action, you need to remove marks, stains, and find a method to maintain your investment without a headache. We at M&R carpets in Pretoria have learned over many years, Carpets Upholstery, and Rugs don’t clean themselves. They do need attention. When walking over a carpet dirt in different forms are tracLed and distributed, and eventually becomes embedded in the carpet pile, thus leaving the carpet looking faded and dirty. Leaving you the customer with the question of, did you make the right choice?

Not all Drivers are mechanical inclined, and so should the owner of that dwelling except the fact that they are not all “professional” cleaners. Seldom are customers informed by a sales representative of cleaning and maintenance methods after purchasing their carpet, or advised on what kind of vacuum cleaner to use , or method of cleaning.

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General cleaning and maintenance are task people postpone, or pass on to others, because it is a job nobody really enjoy doing.

We at M&R carpets are seasoned professionals, whether working from Pretoria East to Pretoria West, our dedication, knowledge and professionalism is a blessing to those who needs to have their Cleaning problems attended to. We advise and teach our customers how to have peace of mind, and to understand the fundamentals of cleaning and what processes to request.

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We’ve been in business for many years now and work with plenty of professional companies including offices of the state and high level companies. We also work in the home on a smaller budget. Get a hold of us and We’ll recommend things for you and tell you outright how much it’s going to all cost. If it’s too much then We’ll work with what you have to do the best We can do in the situation.
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