Steam Cleaning Pretoria

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Though commonly called “Steam Cleaning”, no actual steam is involved in the high water extraction carpet & rug cleaning process, apart from steam that may escape incidentally from hot water.
When the cleaning solution comes in contact with the carpet or rug, it is anywhere between 65 to 121 degrees Celcius, according to the heat available from the cleaning unit. For instance, in a modern truck-mounted carpet cleaning machine, water can be heated to 150 degrees (C), but after passing through high pressure steel braided hose and several manifolds, the water loses some heat.
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Carpet Steam Cleaning

The typical cleaning method involves a preconditioning of the soiled surface with an alkaline (7 or above on the pH Scale) agent, followed by light agitation with a grooming brush and appropriate dwell time. Next, the carpet and rug surface is passed over several times with a cleaning tool to thoroughly rinse out the preconditioner and, using an acetic acid solution, lower the pH of the fibres to a neutral state. Finally, the surface is dried sufficiently to avoid any possibility of saturation, leaving you with a nice clean carpet.

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We’ve been in business for many years now and work with plenty of professional companies including offices of the state and high level companies. We also work in the home on a smaller budget. Get a hold of us and We’ll recommend things for you and tell you outright how much it’s going to all cost. If it’s too much then We’ll work with what you have to do the best We can do in the situation.
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